expropriation of property

英 [ˌeksˌprəʊpriˈeɪʃn ɒv ˈprɒpəti] 美 [ˌeksˌproʊpriˈeɪʃn əv ˈprɑːpərti]




  1. Therefore, the course about the expropriation and requisition of property has become an important part of the Constitution in many countries.
  2. The essence of so-called land expropriation under present law system in our country is the expropriation of collective land, which means that the State deprives the inviolable collective property rights with force based upon the public power.
  3. Owing to the change on the essence of the property right and constitutionalism principle of the national functions and powers, the constitution in all countries has ruled the imposition ( expropriation) system of the property.
  4. Administrative expropriation is the compulsory deprivation of the counterpart's property in a legal name. Its core lies in that the administrative subject can acquire the property without the consent of the property owner.
  5. In order to make the achievement of grading and appraisal of farming land utilize reasonable in the land expropriation price, our experiment studies the theories relate to land expropriation, such as land use theory, the theory of property rights.
  6. The conceptions of requisition and expropriation are regulated in 2004 Constitutional Amendment, which will take very important effect to the protection system of our citizen's property right.
  7. Adds the compensation clause of expropriation. The new Constitutional Amendment has developed the constitutional safeguarding system of private property right that is now composed of safeguard clause, qualifying clause and the compensation clause of expropriation.
  8. On the Rationality of Land Expropriation from the Point of View of Citizen's Property Right Protection
  9. The essay analyses the damage to farmland's property rights caused by present farmland expropriation system directly and the incompleteness of farmland's property rights reflected during the operation of present expropriation system.
  10. Its core is that the property rights of obligee is directly deprived, therefore expropriation office need to keep cautious attitude, the run that power of property expropriation need to legal regulation.
  11. Through studying previous scholars 'research results, the paper defines the related main concepts ( post-non-tradable share period, big shareholders, medium and small shareholders, benefit expropriation), and generalizes theoretical foundation of expropriation of big shareholders ( property right theory, principal-agent theory).
  12. The expropriation of property is most typical among all kinds of expropriations of chattels and property.
  13. The Constitution expressly provides that the inviolability of private property in land expropriation and violation of private property by those who sign must therefore be restored due to land acquisition and suffered the loss of the necessary compensation.
  14. In the process of land expropriation, under the protection of administrative power by proper limits within a certain range, who was imposed the lawful property rights were also to the greatest extent respected and protected.
  15. Property expropriation will certainly deprive property ownership of the subject being expropriated. It is appearing that property damage causes social contradiction phenomenon, if procedure system is not perfect.
  16. Property expropriation, as a conduct to deprive the rights of ownership of property and rights of property use from the expropriated, needs legislative procedures to ensure its validity and legitimacy.